Freakin' nuts. Amazing work. Lol I don't think I could make anything like this. xD Awesome work.
- Zerest
Freakin' nuts. Amazing work. Lol I don't think I could make anything like this. xD Awesome work.
- Zerest
Sounds pretty good. See what happens when you dont rush things? Lol. Nice man, VERY nice. You're on your way.
Holy shit... Somone who actually knows good music.
Scott Brown would probably like this one eh? :D Good job man, great song remix and choice.
Niiiiiice Remix!
Good remix man! Sounds a lot like the original. DJ Splash would like this one, eh?
Kinda sounds like the Halloween theme.
Not bad dubstep track, though I personally dont like dubstep at the moment. Still maturing, probably gonna wait 5-10 years to see how it turns out.
Nice song though, works with it.
Fucking Sweet!
This sounds awesome, a lot better and more original sounding than most of the generic sounding stuff on Newgrounds. You're sure as hell not some Basshunter knockoff, nice job man.
This is friggin good, old song I know but holy crap... Where do you get your inspiration and creativity to make your stuff? I have such a hard time even throwing together a melody.
Good job man.
VERY nice... Good job Seth.
Puts me on a nostalgia trip to my Command & Conquer days. Awesome dude. Great song.
I am Blu. I make the untz untz. Good time.
Joined on 6/9/07